Justin with a friendly fly he was able to grab a hold of! He was pretty excited!
We thought this was a pretty funny sign, however we never did see that aggressive male swan
The Bush Chapel in the Caravan Park
The very first caravan (RV) in South Australia (maybe all of Australia!). It was really cute because the guy made it to look like a little house!
The barbie! All that meat for just four people! Lamb chops, sausage, chicken, meat patties, pineapple, and bacon! Yum! A true Aussie barbie!
Getting set-up to eat
Bob, the cook, flipping the potatoes and pineapple! He wore his San Francisco apron in honor of the Americans. (You can't see it but it is there!)
Some Galahs
Bruce, the Cockateel (spelling??) He was just on the side of the road in one of the small towns and you can feed him and he talks. He says things like, "Cockey Scratch" "Scracth Cockey" Cockey is short for Cockateel. Bob and Justin had a grand old time making him talk and scratching his head. Justin did get a bit too close and got snapped at, but he survived and still has all five fingers.
Bob and his good friend Bruce!
This weekend Bob and Anne (Justin's boss and his wife) took us to the Barossa Wine Region for a nice Sunday afternoon out. We mostly just cruised around some of the small towns that make up the region, but the highlight of the day was the Aussie barbie! As you can see from all of the above pictures, it was very delicious and very unhealthy. We couldn't believe our eyes when Bob kept putting more and more meat on the barb-b-que. There was enough food for an army, but there were only four of us! After our lunch, we were able to take a nice walk to work off all of our sinful eating. Then for desert we headed to the grocery store to find a "Giant Twin". I had no idea what this was, but Anne was on the hunt for them. Once we found them, Anne handed me one out of the box. It essentially a Klondike bar on steroids. It was like a foot long and yummy! Justin couldn't even finish all of his, but I had no issues!
We eventually made it home around 4 or so and we took a nice nap to recuperate. We had a great time with Bob and Anne. They really showed us a good time! Oh, I almost forgot. We had a South Australian snack time on the way out there. We had Vegemite and butter on crackers (not actually half bad, if you go easy on the Vegemite), fritz (it tasted like bologna), and Menz Fruit Chocs (chocolate covered apricots and peaches). All very yummy!
We will just have to wait and see what we have in store for next weekend! We miss you all!!