So here we are! The Great Barrier Reef! It was absolutely
amazningly beautiful! The water color was so blue it looked like pool water!

This is where we got off and on the boat when we were snorkeling. Just look at that water! We saw all kinds of amazing things snorkeling. It was exactly like Finding
Nemo, but in real life. It is almost
indescribable how beautiful it is under the water. It is like a whole new world of fish life. The coral was amazing! The coolest thing we saw were giant clams,
barrimundi cod (huge fish!), tons of neon colored fish, and a sea turtle! The turtle was really, really big and he looked liked he was flying through the water. We have a whole roll of underwater film, so
hopefully pictures turned out and we get get them on a CD and post them!

This is Justin on our boat on the way out to the reef. It was about a 45 minute ride to get there from Cape Tribulation.

Just finished with the day. What a great day!

Look at that water! All the dark spots are the reef. So amazing!

This is a shot at a scenic overlook on the way to the
Daintree Rain forest 
WARNING: There are
crocs in these waters! You pretty much couldn't swim anywhere because
crocs and box jelly fish were everywhere!

This is a picture of
mangroves. This is where the
crocs like to hang out! So avoid these areas!

This was at Port Douglas on the way from the
Daintree Rain forest back to Cairns. It was beautiful!

More lovely scenery from a lookout!

This is Justin outside our Rain Forest cabin! It was pretty much the coolest place I have ever stayed. We were right in the middle of the Rain Forest! It rained every night and it was so
wonderful listening to the rain and the sounds of the Rain Forest. I miss it so much!

This is inside our little cabin.

This is just out back of our cabin! I love the Rain Forest!!

This is at a place called
Mossman Gorge. It was the start of the Rain Forest. It was beautiful!
Mossman Gorge
Mossman Gorge
Mossman Gorge. The trees there were incredible. The root systems were amazing!

Crocodile river cruise time!

Justin on the
lookout for

Crikey! There is a crock in these waters! Yes, it was a baby
croc, but a
croc nonetheless!

Here is another little guy sunning himself on the banks of the river!

Watch Out! Cassowaries roam these parts!

Cassowary Country!

Justin kissing a replica of his most favorite bird!

Ahh!! Cassowary in real life in the wild! Justin was on the hunt to see one of the big boys ever since he heard about them back in Dallas. This one was on the trail behind our cabin. It is a bit blurry, but you can tell what it is!

Don't run over Cassowaries! See before and after.

Fitzroy Island. We went on a day tour to Fitzroy Island from Cairns. It was about 45 minutes from the city.

We took a hike to the summit of the highest point on the island and this is a view.

On the Island!

Getting ready to go swim!

Great snorkeling spot right here!
Look at that water! Amazing!
This is the beach we swam at, Nudey beach. Don't worry we kept our bathers (that is swimsuit in Australian) on!
So that is our trip in a nutshell! It was amazing and I highly recommend going to everyone! We miss you all and we will be back in just 6 more months! Crazy!!