Sydney Harbour Bridge
Chinese Garden of Friendship. Jess wanted to go to this place and it was great! We got to check out the garden and have tea, scones, and dim sum.
The Opera House and Bridge.
Jess sitting on Mrs. MacQuarie's Chair. Her husband carved it out of stone so she could look out over the harbour.
Sydney Harbour Bridge
Justin making his ascent to the top of the Bridge. Justin climbed all the way to the top. Jess and I just happened to be at the right place to see him making his way up!
View of the city while walking across the bridge.
We found this really cool park in The Rocks districts. It was called Foundation Park and it looked like the foundation of an old house. This is at the top.
This is in the park. We really liked the furniture and things. It was a fun park!
We are at the Aquarium. We like to hold crocodiles up with one hand.
Platypus. He is pretty much our new favorite animal ever! He was swimming like crazy and was really cute!
Justin and I with a dugong and a mermaid.
Here is a dugong. It is kinda like a manatee. The old sailors thought they were mermaids. They look nothing like mermaids, I think they must have been drinking too much rum.
Jess and I at the Aquarium.
Sydney Tower. Australians say "it sticks out like dog's balls"
Just patting the boar's nose for good luck. We thought it was really strange they had this statue outside of the hospital.
Flying foxes. These little guys are bats! That is right, bats. Bats flying around Sydney Botanic Garden. They are really cute!
Justin's artsy photo of the Opera House and the Bridge.
Us at the Opera House
View of the Bridge from the Opera House
We are holding up the bridge with our two hands! We are strong.
Opera House
And yet again, more Opera House
On the ferry heading to Manly Beach
On the ferry
Welcome to Manly Beach!
This is Shelly's beach. We couldn't hang out at Manly because some weird water competition was going on. We liked this one though because it was small and cute!
Up close picture of the flying fox. Aren't they so cute and fuzzy?
So we went to Sydney last week with my good friend Jess. We had a lot of fun! Jess and I had two days out on the town before Justin arrived. I think we pretty much did as much of Sydney as we could in 5 days. My favorite was seeing the platypus swim around and Jess's was the fish market. I didn't put up any pictures of that because they were too gross! Lots of icky fish and things. If you do want to see pictures please refer to Jess's blog. Justin's favorites were the flying foxes and the ferry to Manly Beach. Oh, and I can't forget to mention the whole trip was stinking hot!! Sydney had one of its hottest days in 3 years and we were there for it! I think it was over 100 almost everyday. That is pretty much our trip. Jess is still here for this week so more adventures to come. We will be heading to Cleland, Hahndorf, and Victor Harbour. It should be fun and hopefully not too hot! I would also like to send a shout out to Randall Jones who is reading our blog! Thanks for reading! We miss you all!!