Here she is! Little Baby Girl Claybrook! All of the sonogram pictures were really, really dark. This is the only one you can really tell anything. It is her profile. Does she have a Puetz nose or a Claybrook nose? We will find out in December! |
It's a girl! Justin was really sweet and brought home balloons and such to celebrate our little girl! | | |
What an exciting week at the Claybrook household! So it is official, we will be having a little girl! We thought that there would be more build-up to finding out the sex while we were at the doctor, but the sonographer pretty much said, "Okay, these three lines mean you are having a girl." No build up or anything, but it was still really exciting. I was a bit shocked which leads me to believe I thought I had a little boy inside of me. But Justin and I couldn't be more excited! I already know that this little girl will have Justin wrapped around her little fingers. He is going to be an amazing dad to a girl.
This weekend we started thinking about what we need for this baby when she arrives, and let me tell you, it is overwhelming!! We went to Babies R Us to start to figure out the basics. Wow, there is so much to choose from. It took us 5 hours of store shopping, online shopping, and reading books before we decided which infant car seat and stroller to buy. We think we got the best for our baby!
Just to let everyone know we are keeping the baby's name a secret. We still want there to be a surprise when she comes. I will say it is not trendy or going to be spelled funny. So fun times ahead of us in the Claybrook household!