10 weeks pregnant. Still not really showing. I am in front of the Belvedere Castle in Central Park! |
We met up with our friends Rowan and Nyoli and were able to spend the weekend with them! |
Justin and I on Broadway. |
As you can see we traveled in New York City this past weekend! Justin was able to go up for work, so we decided to should fly up too. We celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary while we were there. It will be 4 years on May 25. Crazy to believe how much we have done in four years! Moved to Dallas, started our careers, got involved with our church, moved to Australia for a year, bought a house, traveled the US, went back to Australia, and now we are having a baby! We have done quite a bit for four short years!
While in NYC, we were able to meet up with our Aussie friends Rowan and Nyoli. The are living in Florida for 8 months. It was really random that we were both in NYC at the same time! We just called them up and asked what they were up to for the weekend and they said, going to New York! We had a great time hanging out them. Crazy enough, on Saturday, we fly to Florida to visit them for Memorial Weekend!
In baby news, I am starting to feel a bit better. The ickiness is slowly subsiding. I am not really showing, but all my pants fit too tight and I have to wear them low. I think I just look like I have a gut. I wish I could wear a sign that says, "this isn't my normal belly, I am just pregnant!" One night in the city we wandered into Babies R Us. Boy was that overwhelming! I have absolutely no idea what in the world we are going to have to buy for this baby! You could spend up to $1000 on just a stroller (pram for my Aussie friends!). Cribs (or cots) are that much too! Justin and I left that store in shock with how much you can spend and realizing we have no idea what to even buy!
Well, 10 weeks was a success. Week 11 we will be in Florida! I would have to say this little baby is quite the traveling and he or she isn't even born yet!