Great Aunt Jan and Great Grandma sent us a brand new Pack and Play! Many a days/nights will be spent in here! |
I just realized that if my birthday would have been last week, I would have be 30 on my 30th week of pregnancy. That would have been cool. Oh, well! Well, this was my birthday week and we had a nice time celebrating by going on a shoe hunt. It took two days, but I found a new pair of shoes! They are leather boots for the "winter" here in Dallas. They are really cute! They only down side is that I am going to have to break down and buy a pair of skinny jeans. I never thought I would buy a pair, but they will my my new boots look so much cuter! And that is very important! I am still uncomfortable with my little girl moving all around in my belly, but it is comforting knowing she is healthy! That is all for now! Our 32 week check up is this week, so we hope all is well there.