Welcome to the Show!
Show Bags! Bags of junk to buy!

Justin and Bob. Justin is eating a Dagwood Dog which is essentially a corn dog! They are way better than the Corny Dogs at the State Fair of Texas.

This was the grand parade with all of the animals going around the oval.

Justin and Bob. Justin is eating a Dagwood Dog which is essentially a corn dog! They are way better than the Corny Dogs at the State Fair of Texas.
This was the grand parade with all of the animals going around the oval.
Wood chopping competition! At the end of the day there was going to be an Australia vs. New Zealand competition. There was even a competitor from the States!

Alpacas. We thought they looked like they were posing for the pictures!

Alpacas. We thought they looked like they were posing for the pictures!
In one of the arenas they had all of the prize winning food. I thought it was kinda interesting that they had it all on display. It all looked really yummy!

This is Justin enjoying a tofee apple. The toffee apple had a candy coating around it and it was kinda crystallized. Very yummy!
This is Justin enjoying a tofee apple. The toffee apple had a candy coating around it and it was kinda crystallized. Very yummy!
This is the old Ferris wheel that has been at the Show forever. It is the only ride that doesn't get taken away when the Show is over.

Can you guess what Fairy Floss is?? Cotton Candy! I think Fairy Floss is such a funny name!
This past weekend we headed off to the Royal Adelaide Show with Bob and Anne (Justin's boss and his wife). It is pretty much the equivalent to the state fairs in the U.S. with lots of fattening food, rides, and animals. It was fun! It was the most beautiful day we could have asked for too. It was about 70 degrees which was the warmest day in 3 months! We got there nice and early even before the gates were open. Bob and Anne had a plan for us so we just followed along! The most interesting thing we saw which I hadn't seen before was wood chopping. There were a bunch of guys who were in competition to cut wood. It was pretty intense. These guys meant business and they were really good too! Another highlight of the day were the show bags. These are bags that are put together with candy, toys, and other "junk" and sold at a cheap price. Justin and I each got a show bag, both Cadbury ones. Cadbury chocolate here is a million times better than Hershey's back in the states. I got a Carmello Koala show bag and Justin got just a basic Cadbury show bag. We ended up leaving the show around 3:30 or so and we had a full day! It was a lot of fun!
Other than the show, we went to watch our church's basketball finals with some friends and then on Sunday we went over to Bob and Anne's for Father's Day (it was on Sunday here) and had a bar-b-que. So it was a fun and eventful weekend! In about two weeks we head off to Uluru! We miss you all!!
I am enjoying reading your blog. The Texas Fair is going to be here at the end of September. We will need to go. It is finally getting a bit cooler in Dallas. Finally! Gustav brought some cool air from the Gulf.
Just wanted to say Hello from Preston and me.
Take care. We miss you too! Oh, we went to the woods in East Texas on Labour Day Weekend and stayed at friend's cabin. We miss camping with you!
Yea for fairs although! I am glad you two are having so much fun and adjusting well. We leave on thursday this week for Northern VA! We are getting very excited to explore the area, Virginia sounds awesome. Talk to you later! I would call but I don't know how to use skype?? Some things I can be so incompetent about.
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