So, this weekend was part 2 in the mince pie making process. This is Anne and Bob demonstrating the process of cutting the pastry and filling it with the mince. This was what Justin and I did all day Saturday. We got really good at the end. I think we were able to fill about 3 dozen in 12 minutes.

Here is what the pies look like after they are cooked. Cooking time is precisely 14 minutes! By the way this is the first 3 dozen out of 60 dozen total!
Justin by some of the pies in the cooling process. Notice Justin's apron. Bob and Anne got us Australia aprons to wear for the occasion!
I am holding Andrew's baby, Mitchell. Andrew is Bob's son. Andrew is in the blue and he and his wife, Sue, stopped by to check out the mince pie party and get a little taste.
Ha! Would you look at this! Justin hold a little baby! He was pretty nervous, but I shouldn't laugh too much, I was scared to hold him too! He is only 2 and half weeks old!
Justin and I in our fancy Australia aprons!
I am holding Andrew's baby, Mitchell. Andrew is Bob's son. Andrew is in the blue and he and his wife, Sue, stopped by to check out the mince pie party and get a little taste.
Ha! Would you look at this! Justin hold a little baby! He was pretty nervous, but I shouldn't laugh too much, I was scared to hold him too! He is only 2 and half weeks old!
Justin and I in our fancy Australia aprons!
Anne began packing up all the pies. I had never seen so much Tupperwear in my life! Now all of the pies are delivered to friends and family!
So we finished up our mince pies this weekend. It was a long day, but very successful! I can now say I have have around 600 mince pies! Other than mince pie Saturday, it was a pretty relaxing weekend. On Friday, I had my work Christmas party. It was nice so Justin could meet all of my co-workers. On Sunday, we had a church BBQ and Christmas carols in the evening. Our bible study was in charge of all of the sausages. It was a lot of fun and it got me in the Christmas spirit (it was even a bit cold, like 65 degrees!). Next weekend is really laid back. No formal plans! Yay! We have been so busy lately! Just over a week until we head off to Melbourne to meet Jenny and Ben (Justin's sister and husband), then we are off to Tasmania! I can't wait! That is about it from here! We miss you all! Oh, I almost forgot. We have our official date we are coming home (I am very confused about my feeling about this). We will be arriving in KC on May 9th at 9:36 pm. I think leaving Australia will be one of the hardest things I will ever have to do! I just can't hop on a plane and come visit regularly. I must say Australia is one of the best places in the world! Everyone should come and visit this amazing country!
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