This is the best shot we got of all the wild koala bears because he was facing us! I just wanted to go and grab him and cuddle with him! But if I did that he would have probably clawed my face off!

Here is another koala just chilling in a tree.

Ah, wild emus! Run!

These are called rainbow lorikeets and they were everywhere!!! They look just like a parot and are very beautiful.

Another koala bear just hanging out!

And another! Can you believe all these wild koala bears??

The entrace to the park right off the train. The sign looks quite a bit different than our National Park signs!

Hiking up the trail.

Justin on the trail.

Me on the trail. It was a beautiful day and by then end of the hike I was in my T-shirt!
Ah, wild emus! Run!
These are called rainbow lorikeets and they were everywhere!!! They look just like a parot and are very beautiful.
Another koala bear just hanging out!
And another! Can you believe all these wild koala bears??
The entrace to the park right off the train. The sign looks quite a bit different than our National Park signs!
Hiking up the trail.
Justin on the trail.
Me on the trail. It was a beautiful day and by then end of the hike I was in my T-shirt!
Justin and I went to Belair National Park this weekend. It is just a 30 minute train ride away! It was absolutely amazing and is situated in the Adelaide Hills. We decided to go on a 2 hours hike called the Waterfall hike going by a lower falls and an upper falls. Funny enough, both of the falls were dried up since we are in drought here. We started our hike knowing that there was a potential to see some koala bears, but we didn't' know if we would see any. We passed a lady walking her dog on they way to our trail and she was like, "Did you see the koala up in the tree?" We were like, "No, where is it!" And low and behold there was a wild koala bear sitting up in the tree right above our heads! Of course we took about a zillion pictures from a zillion angles as this was our first koala sighting.
As we headed on our path trying to find the start of our trail, we started our koala bear hunt. We didn't see any on the way to the start of trail, but guess what we did see? Two wild emus roaming across an open field! Justin was in the bathroom and I was waiting for him and I spotted something moving in the distance, I came in for a close look and it was the two emus! I started to yell at Justin in the bathroom and we ran as fast as we could through the trees until we were in picture taking position. Again, we took several shots of our first emus. I must mention here that the emus were in the open field because there was a picnic going and they wanted food. But on the way back to the train station we were going on a back trail and right before our eyes were two more emus crossing the trail right in front of us! This was a much more exciting sighting as it seemed they were more in the wild.
On our hike, we did end up seeing 11 koala bears total! I have posted pictures of some of them. We did take pictures of pretty much all of them. Justin was the koala bear scout. He found all of them. I was sad because I didn't find any, but I did find the emus! It is just so weird to look up in a tree and see a cute little koala bear hanging out. And we weren't in a zoo! I plan on going to a place called Cleland Conservation Park and there you can hold koalas! I am excited for that!
Our hike ended and it was a successful trip. Belair National Park was beautiful and I would go back any day! I hope you all enjoy the pictures of the koala bears!!
1 comment:
Koalas! And potentially holding them! I'm putting that on my list for my visit. :)
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