Some of the action...the Crows are the striped team

Camry the Crow

Justin and his Footy Pie (also known as a meat pie and they are actually very good!)

Sarah and Brett, the ulitmate Crows Fans!

Sarah and Brett, the ulitmate Crows Fans!
Me and Justin with our Crows attire at the oval

On top of the bluff

On top of the bluff

The ocean and rocks on Granite Island

Me and Justin

View from Granite Island

On Granite Island

The walk way over to Granite Island. They also have horse drawn trams if you want to pay for it to take you to the island.

Victor Harbor

Justin in Ardrossan with the jetty in the background.

Me in Ardrossan on the way to the jetty, it was windy and cold!
Justin and I have been very busy since our last posting! We went on a road trip to Ardrossan, a very small town on the Yorke Peninsula for Justin's work, visited Victor Harbor on the Fluerieu Peninsula, attended another Crows footy match, and above all moved in to our new apartment!!
On top of the bluff
On top of the bluff
The ocean and rocks on Granite Island
Me and Justin
View from Granite Island
On Granite Island
The walk way over to Granite Island. They also have horse drawn trams if you want to pay for it to take you to the island.
Victor Harbor
Justin in Ardrossan with the jetty in the background.
Me in Ardrossan on the way to the jetty, it was windy and cold!
Justin and I have been very busy since our last posting! We went on a road trip to Ardrossan, a very small town on the Yorke Peninsula for Justin's work, visited Victor Harbor on the Fluerieu Peninsula, attended another Crows footy match, and above all moved in to our new apartment!!
First off, we got an apartment! Woo Hoo! It is in a great part of the city with something always happening. It is brand new and we are the first people to live in it which is nice, but also annoying because if anything happens to a wall or something they know it was us! It is just very nice to know that we have a place to call home. We have been very blessed as well because between people at church and Justin's boss our apartment is now fully furnished. Oh, and I got to make a trip to IKEA to buy plates, silverware, pots, pans and those sorts of thing! It was so much fun!! I love IKEA! I think I hit my picture quota because it is taking forever to download so I will add apartment pics next time!
On Saturday we went to Victor Harbor with Justin's boss' daughter and son-in-law, Sarah and Brett. It was absolutely beautiful. You can just look at the pictures! At night you can watch penguins come in from the ocean after fishing all day to feed the babies! I would love to go back and see that! The water so so blue! We walked to this island called Granite Island and walked all the way around it and it has spectacular views of the ocean. Then we went to a bluff and there were even more beautiful views!
After our day at Victor Harbor Sarah and Brett took us to another Crows footy match! This time we had our camera! They played the Northern Melbourne Kangaroos. It was a good time!
I think that is about all of our adventures for now. This week we are getting blinds installed in our apartment, getting a washer and dryer delivered so we can do laundry, and just trying get settled in to our new apartment. Oh, I forgot, on Wednesday we are having a couple over from our bible study for tea (Australian's version of dinner!). We are going to make them fajitas. We figured they would like that since there isn't too much Mexican food over here! We miss you all and wish you all could come over here and visit!!
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