Tuesday, May 31, 2011

11 Weeks - Baby Claybrook travels to the South

11 Week Pregnant.  This is in front of Forsyth Fountain in Historic Savannah, GA.
Nyoli, Rowan, Me, and Justin on the Riverfront in Savannah, GA
Justin and I at "The Swamp" aka University of Florida's football stadium in Gainesville, FL
Rowan and Nyoli took us on a hike in a state park and we saw over 100 alligators.  Here there are at least 50.
Outside the fort in St. Augustine, FL.  This fort was built in the 1600s. It is very old for US standards!
Me on top of the fort!

Well, two weekends in a row we have been off traveling the United States. This time we traveled to Florida to visit our friends Rowan and Nyoli (who we hung out with in NYC last week!).  We went to Savannah, Georgia, Amelia Island, Florida, Gainesville, Florida, and St. Augustine Florida.  All in two and a half days! We had a fabulous time! So relaxing and enjoyable.  I highly recommend all of the above places!! I have put up all of our pictures on Facebook.

As for Baby Claybrook he or she is doing well.  I have been feeling pretty darn good. I did get sick this morning, but that was only the third time for the whole pregnancy. We go for our 12 week appointment on Thursday, so I am excited to see how this baby is growing and coming along!  We are on hiatus for traveling for awhile, so that will be nice to relax a bit here. 

Our next trip will be to Kansas City in July, then we are meeting up Rowan and Nyoli in New Orleans in August, then we are going to Chicago in September.  I think after that we will just stick around Dallas until the baby arrives!  That is about it for now!

Monday, May 23, 2011

10 Weeks- Baby Claybrook is in the Big Apple!

10 weeks pregnant. Still not really showing.  I am in front of the Belvedere Castle in Central Park!
We met up with our friends Rowan and Nyoli and were able to spend the weekend with them!
Justin and I on Broadway. 

As you can see we traveled in New York City this past weekend!  Justin was able to go up for work, so we decided to should fly up too.  We celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary while we were there.  It will be 4 years on May 25.  Crazy to believe how much we have done in four years! Moved to Dallas, started our careers, got involved with our church, moved to Australia for a year, bought a house, traveled the US, went back to Australia, and now we are having a baby! We have done quite a bit for four short years!

While in NYC, we were able to meet up with our Aussie friends Rowan and Nyoli.  The are living in Florida for 8 months.  It was really random that we were both in NYC at the same time! We just called them up and asked what they were up to for the weekend and they said, going to New York! We had a great time hanging out them. Crazy enough, on Saturday, we fly to Florida to visit them for Memorial Weekend!

In baby news, I am starting to feel a bit better. The ickiness is slowly subsiding.  I am not really showing, but all my pants fit too tight and I have to wear them low.  I think I just look like I have a gut.  I wish I could wear a sign that says, "this isn't my normal belly, I am just pregnant!"    One night in the city we wandered into Babies R Us.  Boy was that overwhelming! I have absolutely no idea what in the world we are going to have to buy for this baby!  You could spend up to $1000 on just a stroller (pram for my Aussie friends!).  Cribs (or cots) are that much too!  Justin and I left that store in shock with how much you can spend and realizing we have no idea what to even buy!

Well, 10 weeks was a success.  Week 11 we will be in Florida!  I would have to say this little baby is quite the traveling and he or she isn't even born yet!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

9 Weeks- The Baby is the size of a grape!

Week 9.  It was a beautiful Saturday evening in Dallas. We spent it in the back yard!

Week 9 is here!  According to one of the baby websites. Baby Claybrook is the size of a grape; about one inch long.  I am still feeling icky in the morning, but hopefully that will past in a few more weeks. 

This week our adventure was looking into day cares.  You might be thinking, "your baby is the size of a grape and you are looking at day cares!".  That is what I thought until I started calling around and some of them have wait lists until June 2012!!  We went and toured two day cares and officially got on the wait list for both of them.  It seems like getting into day care is harder than getting into college!

Our 10 week picture will be from New York City (if I can remember to take one while we are there!).  Justin and I are going to NYC to celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary! We are super excited! 

That is about it for now. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

We are going to have a baby!

April 12, 2011. Positive pregnancy test!

May 5, 2011.  First doctors appointment.  This little 18 mm nugget is our baby! You can see the spinal cord, ventricles of the brain, and umbilical cord (where, I don't know!).

First pregnancy photo!  8 weeks pregnant.  Let the growing belly begin!!

Well, if you made it to this website, then you have found out that Justin and I are going to have a baby!!  This is our old blog from our year long adventure in Australia, but now we are writing about the new adventures of pregnancy.

We found out we were pregnant on April 12, 2011.  It was right after we got back from a week long vacation visiting friends and family.  We were super excited!! This was definitely a planned pregnancy.

We went to the doctor May 5, 2011 and got a good report from the doctor.  He said everything looked really good.  We even saw the baby moving around.  He told us that with the baby moving this early, the chance of miscarriage in only 2%.  We felt that was low enough we could start telling people. The baby is due December 13th.

I have been feeling in general pretty good.  No morning sickness, but more morning ickiness.  I feel kinda nauseated/icky in the mornings, but it is usually gone by 11 or 12.  Other than that, I feel great! Justin and I are still running and exercising.  We are even running in a 5k this weekend!

That is about it for now! I will put up weekly pictures and updates! We figured since we have family and friends all over the world, a blog would be a good way for people to keep up with us!  Let the journey to parenthood commence!