Saturday, December 17, 2011

40 Weeks- Welcome Natalie Grace!

December 13th at 8:13 little Natalie Grace made her appearance.  Right on her due date too!
I love the little bow hats they make at the hospital! I think she looks extra cute!
Going home! Thank you to Aunt Jenny, Uncle Ben, and cousin Holly for the cute going home onesie!
Going home at last!
Natalie is making a great adjustment to life at home!
I can't believe that Natalie is actually here! She came exactly on her due date too (I read only 5% of babies come on their due date)! It is funny to think normally I would be writing about waiting for her to come or how big I have gotten, but not this time! We have been home since Thursday afternoon and adjusting to life with a newborn. I am trying to figure out my sleep schedule, but I think I will just be going on little sleep for the next month or so.  Natalie has been the perfect baby so far.  She is eating well, sleeping good, and not really crying much at all!  We are so happy to be a family of three now! Justin is proud to have two girls in his life now!  God has truly blessed us!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

39 weeks- Where are you baby girl?

39 weeks and no signs of labor! I am ready to get this little girl out in the real world!

Justin and I are in the hurry up and wait stage of the pregnancy.  We are just waiting.  My doctor said he thought she might come early, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen since she is due on Tuesday!  I haven't had a single contraction or any sign of labor starting.  I think she likes being inside of me.  I go to the doctor tomorrow so we will see what he has to say. Maybe I will have dilated some or something exciting like that!  Justin talks to the baby every morning and says, "Come on out baby!".  It isn't working yet, but hopefully soon!  So now we just wait!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

38 weeks- It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We decorated for Christmas this weekend! 
We we made it through 38 weeks. On Tuesday, I will be at 39 weeks with only one week left! Crazy!! Well, one week until my due date (December 13th), unless, she decides to come early.  My guess is she will be here December 17th.  I will go to the doctor sometime this week and he will check on me to see if I have dilated at all.  As of last week, no dilation, but I was 100% effaced which I need to be in order to start dilating. Also, she is dropping so those are all signs that labor is on its way.   I am not really scared of labor at this point.  I am just kinda freaking out that Justin and I will be in charge of raising a child.  I think I am still too young!  Anyway, that is about it from here.  Only a few more posts until we have a baby!!