Sunday, November 27, 2011

37 weeks- Happy Thanksgiving!

37 weeks and I am sick (so is Justin and my dad who came to visit us!)  I am getting over a cold, but it sure has been annoying!

This is everyone who had Thanksgiving at our house! This was our attempt at getting a picture of all of us with the camera on the mantle. A little far away but not too shabby!
Week 37 wasn't a fun week.  I have been sick all week and am still getting over being sick! I woke up last Monday with a sore throat and as the week went it on it progressed to my nose.  I am almost all better, but Justin is now sick!  My dad came down for Thanksgiving and to help us rebuild part of our fence and he got sick too!  We have a bunch of sickos walking around the house!  Other than being sick, I have been doing okay!  I am still hanging in there at work.  I actually feel my best when I am working.  I think it is because my mind is on taking care of other people and not how uncomfortable I am.    I will be 38 weeks on Tuesday which is really scary because that means only 2 more weeks until my due date!! And 3 weeks until they would induce me. So no matter what in 3 weeks we are going to have a baby! Crazy!! I go to the doctor tomorrow so we will see what he says.  Hopefully the Claybrooks will be feeling better soon!

Monday, November 21, 2011

36 Weeks- Only one month to go!

I am slowly growing a bigger belly.  I don't think it will get any bigger from all the books I have been reading.  Which I am happy about!
It is crazy to think we will have a baby in less than one month! Craziness! The time has flown by so quickly.  This weekend Justin and I went out on our "last hurrah" date.  We went to a play (The Screwtape Letters) and then out to eat.  Soon we won't be able to do that any more without a baby sitter!  This week my dad is coming to help Justin rebuild part of our fence so that should keep us busy.  I get Thanksgiving day off, but will be back at work on Friday.  Justin and my dad will have lots of male bonding time while I am work!  I am feeling pretty darn good still.  I think I am starting get a cold, but hopefully it will go away soon!  That is about it for now!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

35 Weeks- Hanging up the Running Shoes

35 weeks along. Only five more to go! I am still pretty small, but I am definitely not complaining! Many people are in shock when I tell the how far along I am. On a side note, after this picture was taken, I immediately changed into shorts and a T-shirt because it was 80 degrees (in the middle of November mind you!)
Justin was practicing using the baby carrier.  I think he looks like a pro.

Week 35 has come and my running shoes have left.  I have finally admitted that running is no longer really the best for me. It was a really sad to call it quits, but  now I am officially a walker!  Just this Saturday I power walked 2 miles and it was great!  As soon as I can get running again, I will be back out there.  Justin and I want to run a half marathon in Chicago in September. I will be ready!

I had my baby shower at work this week.  It was a lot of fun. I think we have pretty much everything we need.  It is nice to know for the first month or so all we really need is food, a place to sleep, diapers, and clothes.  We have all of that!

Other than those two things, this has been an uneventful week baby wise.  I have my 36 week check up on Thursday.  I get a test done to check for this thing called Group B strep.  Then after this week, I think I will be going every week until the baby comes! Which she is supposed to come one month from today! Crazy!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

34 Weeks- Baby could survive on the outside!

We had our 34 week appointment and the doctor said making it to 34 weeks is a milestone because she can  be born without any major medical issues!

We are excited to know that if baby decides to come early she will be just fine!  We are definitely hoping that she decides to stay in for another 5-6 weeks though to make sure she is good and ready before she makes her appearance.  My doctors said I look great and everything is coming along well.  He told me that all of my exercising and staying active has made my pregnancy easy.  Yay!  No cankles yet or even that much swelling anywhere.  Now, I might have just jinxed myself!  My doctor also explained to us all the body parts we are feeling.  She is head down right which is great so that means she isn't breech!  What we thought was a butt was actually her hip and what we had no clue was is actually her shoulder and elbow.  It is crazy that a baby is living in me!  Next appoint is in two weeks and I have to get tested to see if I have strep or something like that. Then I bet I will have appointments once a week! Crazy! This week I have my work baby shower and I am excited for that!