Saturday, December 17, 2011

40 Weeks- Welcome Natalie Grace!

December 13th at 8:13 little Natalie Grace made her appearance.  Right on her due date too!
I love the little bow hats they make at the hospital! I think she looks extra cute!
Going home! Thank you to Aunt Jenny, Uncle Ben, and cousin Holly for the cute going home onesie!
Going home at last!
Natalie is making a great adjustment to life at home!
I can't believe that Natalie is actually here! She came exactly on her due date too (I read only 5% of babies come on their due date)! It is funny to think normally I would be writing about waiting for her to come or how big I have gotten, but not this time! We have been home since Thursday afternoon and adjusting to life with a newborn. I am trying to figure out my sleep schedule, but I think I will just be going on little sleep for the next month or so.  Natalie has been the perfect baby so far.  She is eating well, sleeping good, and not really crying much at all!  We are so happy to be a family of three now! Justin is proud to have two girls in his life now!  God has truly blessed us!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

39 weeks- Where are you baby girl?

39 weeks and no signs of labor! I am ready to get this little girl out in the real world!

Justin and I are in the hurry up and wait stage of the pregnancy.  We are just waiting.  My doctor said he thought she might come early, but it doesn't look like that is going to happen since she is due on Tuesday!  I haven't had a single contraction or any sign of labor starting.  I think she likes being inside of me.  I go to the doctor tomorrow so we will see what he has to say. Maybe I will have dilated some or something exciting like that!  Justin talks to the baby every morning and says, "Come on out baby!".  It isn't working yet, but hopefully soon!  So now we just wait!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

38 weeks- It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We decorated for Christmas this weekend! 
We we made it through 38 weeks. On Tuesday, I will be at 39 weeks with only one week left! Crazy!! Well, one week until my due date (December 13th), unless, she decides to come early.  My guess is she will be here December 17th.  I will go to the doctor sometime this week and he will check on me to see if I have dilated at all.  As of last week, no dilation, but I was 100% effaced which I need to be in order to start dilating. Also, she is dropping so those are all signs that labor is on its way.   I am not really scared of labor at this point.  I am just kinda freaking out that Justin and I will be in charge of raising a child.  I think I am still too young!  Anyway, that is about it from here.  Only a few more posts until we have a baby!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

37 weeks- Happy Thanksgiving!

37 weeks and I am sick (so is Justin and my dad who came to visit us!)  I am getting over a cold, but it sure has been annoying!

This is everyone who had Thanksgiving at our house! This was our attempt at getting a picture of all of us with the camera on the mantle. A little far away but not too shabby!
Week 37 wasn't a fun week.  I have been sick all week and am still getting over being sick! I woke up last Monday with a sore throat and as the week went it on it progressed to my nose.  I am almost all better, but Justin is now sick!  My dad came down for Thanksgiving and to help us rebuild part of our fence and he got sick too!  We have a bunch of sickos walking around the house!  Other than being sick, I have been doing okay!  I am still hanging in there at work.  I actually feel my best when I am working.  I think it is because my mind is on taking care of other people and not how uncomfortable I am.    I will be 38 weeks on Tuesday which is really scary because that means only 2 more weeks until my due date!! And 3 weeks until they would induce me. So no matter what in 3 weeks we are going to have a baby! Crazy!! I go to the doctor tomorrow so we will see what he says.  Hopefully the Claybrooks will be feeling better soon!

Monday, November 21, 2011

36 Weeks- Only one month to go!

I am slowly growing a bigger belly.  I don't think it will get any bigger from all the books I have been reading.  Which I am happy about!
It is crazy to think we will have a baby in less than one month! Craziness! The time has flown by so quickly.  This weekend Justin and I went out on our "last hurrah" date.  We went to a play (The Screwtape Letters) and then out to eat.  Soon we won't be able to do that any more without a baby sitter!  This week my dad is coming to help Justin rebuild part of our fence so that should keep us busy.  I get Thanksgiving day off, but will be back at work on Friday.  Justin and my dad will have lots of male bonding time while I am work!  I am feeling pretty darn good still.  I think I am starting get a cold, but hopefully it will go away soon!  That is about it for now!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

35 Weeks- Hanging up the Running Shoes

35 weeks along. Only five more to go! I am still pretty small, but I am definitely not complaining! Many people are in shock when I tell the how far along I am. On a side note, after this picture was taken, I immediately changed into shorts and a T-shirt because it was 80 degrees (in the middle of November mind you!)
Justin was practicing using the baby carrier.  I think he looks like a pro.

Week 35 has come and my running shoes have left.  I have finally admitted that running is no longer really the best for me. It was a really sad to call it quits, but  now I am officially a walker!  Just this Saturday I power walked 2 miles and it was great!  As soon as I can get running again, I will be back out there.  Justin and I want to run a half marathon in Chicago in September. I will be ready!

I had my baby shower at work this week.  It was a lot of fun. I think we have pretty much everything we need.  It is nice to know for the first month or so all we really need is food, a place to sleep, diapers, and clothes.  We have all of that!

Other than those two things, this has been an uneventful week baby wise.  I have my 36 week check up on Thursday.  I get a test done to check for this thing called Group B strep.  Then after this week, I think I will be going every week until the baby comes! Which she is supposed to come one month from today! Crazy!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

34 Weeks- Baby could survive on the outside!

We had our 34 week appointment and the doctor said making it to 34 weeks is a milestone because she can  be born without any major medical issues!

We are excited to know that if baby decides to come early she will be just fine!  We are definitely hoping that she decides to stay in for another 5-6 weeks though to make sure she is good and ready before she makes her appearance.  My doctors said I look great and everything is coming along well.  He told me that all of my exercising and staying active has made my pregnancy easy.  Yay!  No cankles yet or even that much swelling anywhere.  Now, I might have just jinxed myself!  My doctor also explained to us all the body parts we are feeling.  She is head down right which is great so that means she isn't breech!  What we thought was a butt was actually her hip and what we had no clue was is actually her shoulder and elbow.  It is crazy that a baby is living in me!  Next appoint is in two weeks and I have to get tested to see if I have strep or something like that. Then I bet I will have appointments once a week! Crazy! This week I have my work baby shower and I am excited for that!

Monday, October 31, 2011

33 Weeks- She is Kicking me in the Ribs....A lot!

Week 33 and I am slowly getting bigger. People still tell me that I am tiny for how far along I am. I guess that is a good thing!
Week 33 is here and there isn't too much excitement going on other than lots of kicking.  When we were watching game 6 of the World Series  last week, I haven't felt that much movement ever! I think I was so nervous for the Rangers that she knew what was going on!  My doctor appointments are now every two weeks, so I have another one this week.  I am sure pretty soon they will start to check if I am dilated or not.  It is crazy to think how fast these next few weeks are going to be! 

Monday, October 24, 2011

32 Weeks- Baby shower!!

Couples Baby Shower! We had our first baby shower on Saturday!
On Saturday we had our first baby shower.  Justin was really cute and wanted it to be a couples shower so guys were invited. We had a great time and felt really blessed by how generous and caring our friends were.  We are ready for this baby to come!  I have another shower at work in November, then we are done with showers and the next exciting thing is labor! Crazy!! 

Monday, October 17, 2011

31 Weeks- My 30th Birthday

Great Aunt Jan and Great Grandma sent us a brand new Pack and Play! Many a days/nights will be spent in here!

I just realized that if my birthday would have been last week, I would have be 30 on my 30th week of pregnancy. That would have been cool.  Oh, well!  Well, this was my birthday week and we had a nice time celebrating by going on a shoe hunt.  It took two days, but I found a new pair of shoes!  They are leather boots for the "winter" here in Dallas.  They are really cute! They only down side is that I am going to have to break down and buy a pair of skinny jeans.  I never thought I would buy a pair, but they will my my new boots look so much cuter! And that is very important!  I am still uncomfortable with my little girl moving all around in my belly, but it is comforting knowing she is healthy! That is all for now! Our 32 week check up is this week, so we hope all is well there.

Monday, October 10, 2011

30 Weeks- This is getting uncomfortable!

30 weeks along.  I am wearing a long sleeve shirt even though it was 80 degrees outside.  I am ready for fall weather, but Dallas has other ideas!
Well, we made it to 30 weeks.  Crazy to think only 10 more weeks to go (and that is if she decides to stay inside for that long!).  I was pretty uncomfortable all weekend. Every time I try to relax little baby girl decides it is time to wiggle and shake and move like crazy.  At work I am actually the most comfortable because I am up and moving all day and that is when she seems to like to rest.  What is hard to realize is that it is just going to get worse! And what is scary is that when I am finally comfortable again we will have a baby! Weird!  The only other exciting thing this week is that I turn the big 3-0 on Sunday.  No gray hairs or wrinkles yet!

Monday, October 3, 2011

29 Weeks- Nothing really exciting

We had a beautiful day the other day, so we took our picture outside. Justin wanted to make sure Kitty Cat got in the picture too!

Well, week 29 is pretty uneventful. I usually having something fun or exciting to talk about, but not this week. But I guess at this point, that is probably a good thing!  I am continuing to be uncomfortable and I know it will only get worse!  Sleeping isn't really that enjoyable because I can't seem to find the right position. I am a stomach sleeper so I am learning new ways to sleep. Poor Justin has to deal with all of my flopping at night!  I guess something that is exciting is that my 30th birthday is in a few weeks. Then I will officially be closer to 40 than 20. Crazy!  That is about it.  Maybe week 30 will be a bit more eventful!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

28 Weeks- Baby Looking Good

28 weeks- My belly is continuing to grow and I am officially getting uncomfortable! 12 more weeks to go!

We had our 28 week check up this week.  Everything looks great. My blood pressure was 110/72 which is the best it has been in years! Who knew pregnancy would make my blood pressure go down?  Baby's heart rate was 141.  I asked the doctor if I can keep on running (more of a waddle/jog) and he said yes. He actually encouraged it!  So I was happy about that.  I am running only 1.7 miles at a 11-12 minute/mile pace, so a nice pace for me.  My back has actually been feeling pretty good too.  I am attributing that to having my hard patients at work discharge home. So no more heavy lifting.   I am getting pretty uncomfortable with my big ol' belly.  I can't sit up to straight or too far back.  Sleeping is getting annoying.  And now I can feel the baby moving pretty much all the time and she loves to kick me or get really wiggly right when I am trying to sleep!  The other exciting thing of the week is that we can now see movement by just looking at my stomach. It is crazy weird! We can also feel her head and we think her knees.  Crazy!  She just needs to cook for about three more months and then she will be here!

Monday, September 19, 2011

27 weeks- The Nursery is Coming Together

The crib is here!
Justin assembling the new crib.
Pieces everywhere.
Justin's artwork on the wall.
All of the 0-3 month clothes!  It seems like way too much, but I have a feeling that this will barely be enough with poop, pee, and spit-up on everything!

We are slowing getting the nursery put together.  I think it is looking pretty good!  Justin did a great job putting together the crib and hanging up all the pictures he made.  We need to add a few more things to the walls and then I think we will be all set!  I finally went through all the clothes we received from our Chicago and KC trips and boy do we have a lot of clothes! I think we have more 3-6 month clothes than 0-3 months at this point.  The article of clothing I like best are the little socks.  They are so tiny and cute!

I am feeling pretty good still.  I am starting to get kicked in the ribs more often. Justin thinks it is pretty funny.  We ran out at the lake this Saturday.  It was wonderful! I should say that I am not really running.  It is more like a jog/waddle.  But my heart rate gets up and I am getting exercise!  Our 28 week appointment is on Thursday, so hope all is well!

Monday, September 12, 2011

26 Weeks - Off to Chicago

26 Weeks pregnant.  I just noticed that I was holding the 25 week sign! Oh, well!
In front of the Field Museum with my dad, Aunt Jan, and cousin Nick.
At Dominican University with my dad, Aunt Jan, and cousin Michele
Out to eat with the whole family at the White Eagle. It is a Polish restaurant and is really yummy!
Me, Dad, and Justin outside of Frank Lloyd Wright's House and Studio. Notice Justin's Bears shirt!

Well, we made our last journey before baby up to Chicago to visit family.  It was a great trip, but went way to quick! Whenever we go up there, my Aunt Jan takes such good care of us! We saw lots of fun things and ate way too much!

In terms of pregnancy, I am slowing down a bit.  I never realized how far away my feet were until now! I might need to borrow some adaptive equipment from work to help me get on my shoes and socks!  I am slowly becoming more uncomfortable, but still managing pretty darn good.  We are still even running in the mornings (or should I say jogging).  I think I might have a few more weeks in me and then I will resort to walking the last month or two.  We have our 28 week appointment next week  which is crazy to think I will be 28 weeks pregnant!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

25 Weeks- Back to Kansas City

25 weeks along and my baby belly keeps getting bigger!

Jenny and Ben (Justin's sister and her husband) made us a diaper cake! I thought it was really cute!  It is a little lop sided because it made the 9 hour drive from KC to Dallas in the back of the car.

We went home to KC this weekend to see friends and family.  It was really  nice to get to see everybody! Justin's sister, her husband, and their baby came in from DC as well!  We hadn't seen their little girl since she was one month old and she is six months now. Boy, what does 5 months do to a baby! She is wiggly and crawling and drooling and making noises. She is super cute!  We were lavished with more baby gifts that we know what do do with while we were home.  Everyone has been more than generous towards us and we are so thankful. Now we just have to go through everything and figure out how it works and what it does!  On Thursday we leave for Chicago to go visit my side of the family. We are super excited!  Report back next week for our adventures in Chicago!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

24 Weeks- Baby got a Registry!

24 weeks! If you could see inside my belly you would see a very squirmy little girl! We took the picture outside in the record breaking Dallas summer heat.  Today it is a cool 102! Tomorrow it should heat up to 108!
We are going to be super busy these next two weekends.  We are going to Kansas City and then to Chicago.  Our last trips before baby girl arrives.  So we went to go register this weekend.  We ended up going to Babies R Us and Target.  We really had no idea what we were getting ourselves into! We were told to bring someone with us that has a baby, but we thought we could handle it ourselves.  In the long run I think we got all of the basics down.  They hardest thing to figure out was what type of bottles to get.  I think we came up with the perfect plan.  We will have to wait and see.  It was really fun getting to use the gun to zap everything.  Justin and I weren't able to do our wedding registry together since he was in Dallas and I was in KC, so I did everything online.  It was fun getting to do this together.  I think I am most excited for our diaper bag.  It is pretty much awesome and it doesn't look like a diaper bag!  So that is it from here.  Like I said, Friday after work we are driving up to KC for a joint 30th birthday party (Justin's b-day is in September and mine is in October).  It will be a quick trip and we will drive home on Monday.  Then we leave next Friday for Chicago to visit our family!  Our last plane ride without a baby! We better enjoy it!

One more thing. I had my glucose testing done and it looked great.  They were checking for gestational diabetes.  I had to be below 130 and I was at 85. I guess that means I can load up on sweets!  That is about it for now!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

23 Weeks- Baby Class

23 weeks along and feeling good still!
Justin is beginning to build the baby's new dresser/changing table.
Construction is in process. No hard hats needing here!
You can now tell what it is!
Baby's room is slowly coming together! New dresser/changing table in place. We got a new duvet cover for the bed, but according to Justin it looks like a "cloud" and I do agree so we will have to do something about that. Curtains are up too!

 This week was our all day course at the hospital learning about labor and delivery and getting prepared.  After the class I am even more scared than I was before to go into labor! That is some scary stuff!  I am sure though that once I am 40 weeks pregnant and miserable because I can't move I will be willing to do anything to get her out of me!  After going, I am thinking I am going to try to go as long as I can without an epidural.  It sounds like without it I will be able listen to my body more and know when to push and labor might go a bit quicker.  We will just have to see when we get there!  I also learned that they can deliver babies while the mom is on her knees! Craziness!

We also put the dresser/changing table together and I think it looks lovely!  The room still has quite a bit to go before we are done, but it is coming together nicely.  We have our 24 week appointment on Thursday and we do they glucose test to check for gestational diabetes, so hopefully all goes well! 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

22 Weeks- Baby's Room is Starting to Come Togther

22 weeks! We are more than half way there! Baby girl is definitely getting more wiggly as each week passes by!
Grandpa sent Baby Girl a nice rocking chair that I am sure will be put to very good use!
Justin drew and colored these picture for the baby! I think he did an amazing job and I am so proud of him for all his hard work.  We bought some frames and now they are artwork for the baby's room! All the animals are Australian animals, a wombat, possums, and sea turtles.  We need to teach the baby about Australia!

This week we decided to start working on the baby's room. We made the trip to Ikea to buy some furniture. We found out that cribs won't be sold there until October because of safety standards.  I guess each year they make sure all the cribs are up to the right safety standards. We were a bit bummed because we were excited to get a crib! We did find a dresser/changing table and when we went to go pick it up it was out of stock! But no worries, because we found plenty of other things and Justin got to eat Swedish meatballs which is his favourite when we are there. We will just go back in a few months to get everything else. 

One exciting thing that happened this week was that baby girl moved and Justin was able to feel her when he touched my stomach.  He was really excited! I was happy he finally got to feel her moving around.  She is growing strong and is continuing to move around quite a bit.  Work is slowing getting a bit more tiring.  I just can't move around like I used too.  Transfers with patients are a bit harder, getting on and off the mats is challenging, and getting up off the floor after helping with shoes/socks is becoming a chore.  I have a feeling in a few months I will be needing to take the easier patients! Or I might end up needing a therapist!  That is about it from here.  Next Saturday is our all day class at the hospital!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

21 Weeks- Baby Girl got a New Ride!

21 weeks is here! Baby Girl Claybrook now has a new car seat and stroller! Here I am posing with the new baby ride!  This is what took 5 hours of research last week to buy.

We have made it to 21 weeks, now officially less than half way to go. Craziness!  Our excitement for this week is the car seat and stroller.  The first night we practiced pushing it around the house taking it in and out of the car.  I am glad we are practicing because it is much harder than it looks! There are buttons and latches and pulls everywhere!  Justin had to help me like five times before I could figure out how to take the car seat out of the base for the car.  Let's hope all of the other baby things are a bit easier to understand!

We signed up for an all day class at the hospital in two weeks.  This is the one to teach you all the basics and we get a tour of the rooms and where I will be delivering.  I am pretty excited.  It will make everything seem more real.  Each day it does seem more real, especially as I look down and my belly is growing!

One other exciting thing is I am beginning to feel the baby moving around in my stomach.  No kicking yet, but just wiggling around.  It is crazy!  She is making herself known!  Justin is just waiting for that first kick!  That is about it from here! Oh, we should break the heat wave record set in 1980 this week of 42 days straight over 100 degrees.  That should be exciting! Not really.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

20 weeks- It's a girl!!I

Here she is! Little Baby Girl Claybrook!  All of the sonogram pictures were really, really dark.  This is the only one you can really tell anything.  It is her profile.  Does she have a Puetz nose or a Claybrook nose? We will find out in December!
It's a girl!  Justin was really sweet and brought home balloons and such to celebrate our little girl!  

What an exciting week at the Claybrook household! So it is official, we will be having a little girl!  We thought that there would be more build-up to finding out the sex while we were at the doctor, but the sonographer pretty much said, "Okay, these three lines mean you are having a girl."  No build up or anything, but it was still really exciting.  I was a bit shocked which leads me to believe I thought I had a little boy inside of me.  But Justin and I couldn't be more excited! I already know that this little girl will have Justin wrapped around her little fingers.  He is going to be an amazing dad to a girl. 

This weekend we started thinking about what we need for this baby when she arrives, and let me tell you, it is overwhelming!!  We went to Babies R Us to start to figure out the basics.  Wow, there is so much to choose from.  It took us 5 hours of store shopping, online shopping, and reading books before we decided which infant car seat and stroller to buy.  We think we got the best for our baby!

Just to let everyone know we are keeping the baby's name a secret.  We still want there to be a surprise when she comes.  I will say it is not trendy or going to be spelled funny.   So fun times ahead of us in the Claybrook household!

Monday, July 25, 2011

19 Weeks-Dealing with the Dallas heat.....20+ days over 100 degrees!

19 Weeks and trying to survive the heat! This week the picture is in the fancy room!
We have almost made it to the half way mark! It is crazy how fast things are coming along!  I am feeling great! The only stinky this is this Dallas heat!  We are on our way to one of the hottest summers on record.   This week was pretty relaxed and nothing too exciting.  Thursday is the big day though when we find out the sex of the baby. We really don't care at all, but it will be nice to know so we can start planning things!  Pretty short and sweet this week!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

18 Weeks- Back to Kansas City!

18 weeks pregnant and in Kansas City! We took this in front of the new LiveStrong Complex in Kansas City where the soccer team plays. 
Justin and I headed to Kansas City for the weekend.  We headed back to see our friends and family.  It was a quick trip, but we still had a good time.  We hadn't been back to KC since December so it was nice to be back for a bit.  I am a very proud Kansan so any time I can go back I am a happy camper!

Nothing too exciting this week in terms of the pregnancy.  I feel lucky that I have had such an easy pregnancy so far.  I am beginning to show and people are starting to notice.  I have had about two people touch my stomach which is kind odd.  This week we start a 4 week parenting class through our church so we are excited about that.  Next Thursday we get to have another sonogram and find out if we have a boy or girl!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

17 Weeks- My Belly is Definitely Growing

My shirt is a bit tight around the belly area.  If you look back at week 8, I had on the same shirt and it wasn't quite so snug!  By the way, Justin has this idea to take pictures all throughout the house. So this week it is the dining room.
Week 17 has arrived and so has all of my maternity clothes I ordered! Yay!  I think I am all set until Fall/Winter sets in and I need some long sleeve shirts/sweaters.  I am going to try to make it with thee pairs of work pants, one pair of jeans, two pairs of shorts, and five shirts.  I think I can do it as long as I do lots of washing! Nothing really exciting this week. Justin and I have begun the routine of waking up at 5 in the morning to run.  It isn't fun waking up and we are asleep for about the first mile, but it sure beats running after work when it is over 100 degrees!  We go nice and slow!  Next weekend we head to Kansas City so that should be fun since we haven't been there since December! That is about it. Only 3 more weeks until we find out if  Baby Claybrook is a boy or girl!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

16 Weeks Pregnant- Happy 4th of July!

16 weeks! I am just barely showing.  I am wearing a maternity top which conceal my baby bump pretty well.
We had our 16 week checkup this past Thursday.  The baby looks good!  His or her heartbeat was 150 which was the same as last time.  Our doctor keeps telling us with a high heartbeat that means we are having a girl.  He enjoys making up things like that!  In four weeks we will know for sure!  I was most excited that my blood pressure was good.  I have been borderline high blood pressure the last couple of years, but it was spot on at 122/72! Yay!  All the exercise and watching my sodium is working!

We are going to watch fireworks tonight to celebrate the 4th with my friend Aubrey from OT school.  I think it will be fun!  Next year, we will have a little one with us to celebrate! Also, I hit the jackpot on maternity clothes.  I found a sale at Gap and stocked up!  I did find some more pants too! I just have to get them hemmed up.  It is amazing how much better you feel in maternity clothes! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

15 Weeks- I am beginning to feel a bit more pregnant.

Justin wanted to join in on picture this week!
15 weeks is here.  My body is certainly beginning to change, but my brain still isn't comprehending there is a baby growing in my belly.  I am not sure how long it will take until I truly realize that I am pregnant and I have a baby inside of me!  I think maybe at 20 weeks because we will get another sonogram and the baby won't look so much like an alien and we will find out if it is a boy or girl.   I don't know if it is normal to feel this way or not.  I just feel like I keep gaining weight, but only in my belly area.  I just don't comprehend that I am actually pregnant! 

On a good note, I found one pair of work pants! Yay! Only about 2 more to go!  I had to get them hemmed up because they were way too long (surprise, surprise).  So hopefully this weekend I can finish up my maternity clothes shopping until the next season comes around! Thankfully, it stays pretty warm in Dallas through October. 

Thursday is our 16 week appointment. We just hear the heart beat on this one.  Justin won't be able to come because he will be in NYC for more work training. Too bad I couldn't go this time around! Have a great week!

Monday, June 20, 2011

14 Weeks- I need maternity clothes!

My baby bump is beginnign to show and my clothes aren't fitting anymore!

Week 14 has arrived and I am finally starting to feel pregnant.  The last few weeks I have been able to get away with unbuttoning my top button and wearing a belt, but those days are slowly coming to an end! People at work have been beginning to ask me if I am pregnant and patients are also noticing.  It is kinda wierd how it feels like all of sudden people can tell.

I am struggling a bit with my changing body.  It is frustrating trying to find maternity clothes that fit well and don't cost a fortune!  I got my first preggo clothes over the weekend. One pair of shorts, one pair of jeans, and three tops.  I am having a heck of a time trying to find work pants! That is my goal for this weekend.  Everyone is selling capris or cropped pants.  And the pants I do find  are so long it is ridiculous!

Okay, no more complaining! Baby Claybrook is healthy and growing!  Our 16 week appointment is next Thursday then only four more weeks until we find out if it is a boy or girl! Yay!

Monday, June 13, 2011

13 Weeks- Baby Claybrook does home renovations!

13 weeks pregnant.  Standing in front of our freshly painted kitchen wall that has NO wallpaper!!
Our purple K-State bathroom. We have to order a new vanity. But this picture shows how purple the bathroom is! No KU fans at this house!

This week was a week of home remodeling! My dad came into town to help us paint the kitchen and update our half bathroom.  After a battle with wallpaper (the wallpaper almost won, but the wallpaper steamer was our secret weapon) my dad was able to paint our kitchen and bathroom! I am so lucky to have a dad who loves used to be a professional handyman.  He did an amazing job helping us out.  I really love the way our kitchen turned out.  We decided to paint the bathroom purple (it is to be our K-State bathroom). Wow, is it purple!  Any K-Stater would be proud! I am not quite sure what I think.  It is a little too bold for me, but Justin loves it.  Now we have orange, red, green, yellow, blue, purple, and brown rooms.  It is like a rainbow!

Now I am in the mood to redo the floor in the kitchen, get new counter tops, and a new back splash! That is all for next year.  Baby Claybrook will learn soon how to be handy around the house.  This weekend Justin's cousin and his family are coming to stay with us so we will be have house guests!  We are super busy this summer! In about 2 weeks we have our 16 week appointment! Crazy to think we are almost half way there!